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Liberties and freedom in Jordan

In terms of political and civil liberties, Jordan ranks 3rd. Citizens in Jordan experience little to no civil liberties and political rights. Citizens are not free to express themselves and enjoy neither political freedom nor representative government. Countries with this political situation are dangerous for investment as an authoritarian government may have over-control over economic affairs. Businesses in Jordan are 3 in terms of economic freedom. Citizens in Jordan are considered moderately free when it comes to their economic choices. The government in this country exercises appreciable control over corporations and other economic activities. Citizens can own property and control certain financial decisions, but in many cases the government can take control of private property for government purposes. In terms of journalistic freedom, Jordan's media is in a 4. In Jordan, while journalists are allowed to express a variety of opinions, they are only allowed to publish those that do not oppose the government or state ideology. The government in that country may have its own government-sponsored publications to promote its ideas and beliefs. This is considered a problematic situation.

Re: Liberties and freedom in Jordan

Hello Tom

Business is not the be-all and end-all of a decent society. Every governement whether Monarchial as in the case of Jordan and the United Kingdom or Democratic in terms of structures of government has to feed its population, clothe them, provide housing and transport, water, schooling etc and preserve the peace of society. It is wrong to agitate against any government without understanding this basic fact of what a State does.

You are writing to promote freedom and business: that is not the priority of Muslims in Jordan who have their religion as their guide, it appears to me.
