If the rajasic path adhered to pin-pointedly in the Vishista Advaita Vedanta framework of running one's if is really the highest ideal that one can attain, who does one know that your actions have indeed harmonised, preserved and conserved whatever you are trying to conserve, be it the self (that is freedom from suicidal tendencies and depression with life that causes one to give up living as a human being, given that the spirituality is not to leave the samsara, the Creation, harmonised within the family-society, or more widely, even globally in mankind, or to take it to the extreme consideration, preserved Nature from your actions. In fact how do you even know that you are operating pin-pointedly at the centre of the sphere of Reality in what you do every moment of your life, given the impermanence of reality in its imminent, durable and permanent realities and even the Ultimate Realty?
The answer is no-one knows except God Sri Krishna deep within your psyche and under this Vedantic philosophy His views are not relevant to one's material and spiritual welfare-oriented actions. One has only one's conscience that reflects upon one's actions and if there have been any sinful or wrongful deeds that you have just performed, that realisation itself will set you towards in the next moment of your life towards the ideal of being pin-pointed in your actions in the rajasic modus operandi. You yourself are not actively judging your own actions analytically except the very moment for your actions at that moment is assumed to be pitch-perfect, and that moment is past, is history, so to be forgotten about in 'let bygones be bygones' and 'do not dwell in the past' adages. So the act of judging analytically on reflection is also an attachment that you are concerned about what you just did in order to see if you need to change your self consciously in repentence and rehabilitation/penance, which means that you are attached to the actions just-performed: this is anathema to our way of life.
Accordingly, we are firmly non-judgmental, for all externalities and internalities in life, and every moment of our lives.