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Practice what you preach. Live to your ideals, in navigating one’s path through Nature. For why fear; what a person says and attempts to practice has to be tested through, in my case the alternatives of legal and medical channels of judgment as the State of the United Kingdom considers appropriate, in assessing the philosophy, the religion springing from the philosophy, and the politics of enactment of that religion into material implementation for the supposed philanthropic intention of service to humanity. But the critical guiding principle is do not attempt to enforces any changes. Take it as far as it will go within your life-time, and then leave it for future generations to ponder over from the mere fact that you have published all the evidence upon which the philosophy was based for consideration in the Court of Public Opinion.

The things one prescribes and proselytises overtly or covertly has to be done in such a manner that one is prepared to subject it to critical scrutiny. One has to buccaneer for this so as to have it considered within one's own lifetime, so that one knows whether one's life has been a total waste in a delusional pursuit of the Truth to greater standard of precision than humanity has hitherto known. If one does not enforce judgement while one lives, it will all end up in the dustbin of history. One cannot search for one's predestiny if indeed that is what the philosophy preached as I have done, by not buccaneering for judgment. This can come from the State that I live in here in the United Kingdom from its medical (mental health) of legal (judicial) channels. What I say has to be tested so future generations know that while I personally lived the conception of the philosophy of Vishista Advaita Vedanta, its emanating religion of Vaishnavism, and its resulting political strive to implement into society politically through the foration of The Conservative Libertarian Society, was in fact rejected, as things stand. This is evident from the fact that at the present moment of 12.51 pm (UK-Time) 19 February 2021, I am subjected to anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications for updated diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.

Every one on Earth should know that, and do whatever they wish to do with the information. So this post is inserted here 'To Whom It May Concern' rather than active proselytising, and in the Vaishnavic mould of my religion, no harm or criticism is intended to anyoone who came before me, lives in humanity with me now, or who may come into humanity in the unfolding future of mankind.