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God, Brahman,Consciousness and Awareness

In Vishista-advaita the union is with Brahman, the unfolding of God as Creation through maya. When atman=Brahman one has full Consciousness and goes from self to Self. Total understanding and awareness is the result. A Vishistaadvaitist does not worship God as such. The mind is still in silence. This is the state of bliss that is known as ananda.

How can God be Creator and Brahman at the same time? Answer: maya. Brahman is Self/Consciousness. It has everything needed for the mind to function in knowledge for it is the ultimate truth. The union is self-preservational for it has no attachments to material or spiritual entities and concepts and beliefs. There are no beliefs. There is nothing other than Brahman. No births, no deaths, no plans, aims, objectives, ambitions, desires, hopes expectations and ego which has long vanished from having left the self. There is no dharma (duties and righteous actions). The person just acts nonchalantly. spontaneously and unpremeditatedly each moment of time.

Because Brahman is the unfolding of the Creator a name is given to that Creator as Sri Krishna but not to Brahman. The union works when the Vishista-advaitist considers that whatever happens in Brahman is predestined and pre-orchestrated as part of Creation. So there is total union that is oneness with Reality.