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The Vishista Advaita Vedantist believes in living every moment to the maximal value in terms of actions. What these actions are comes from our frame of mind that is dedicated in faith that we are operating along the perfectionist vision of what is righteous. This is what all faiths believe. Ours is no exception. Each person to his or her faith. It is a matter for them, and we remain non-judgemental doing for ourselves the best that we can do from our knowledge of Creation and understanding of what the next steps are in shaping our individual and by corollary our collective futures, for no man is an island. What we indiviudally matters. So we need self-regulation or it will get imposed upon one if one has not been careful to have taken the right decisions for one's actions each moment of one's life. We are part of the global ecosystem in that manner.

Of course, the proof of the pudding is in eating, and for this if as a libertarian one does one's work as one's moment by moment karma correctly, such that one has not harmed anyone or any institution in any way shape of form on the basis of one's understanding of the laws governing one's own society under the government of that State, there is no repercussions in any adverse manner back to oneself so one is left in peace to carry on doing what one sees is best for oneself, in order to make oneself feel that one has led a worthwhile life. This is the basis of considerations for our philosophy.

In attaining the perfectionist basis for one's actions, we are dedicated to God as Creator and take all the adversities that fall upon us as we journey through our individual lives. The clever ones do not give up, but strive for greater perfection from the adversities as lessons to shape our minds towards a greater clarity of vision to home-in on the right framework of mind that would lead to actions of karma that are beyond reproach from any of the elements of Nature, in human or in wildlife, for we do not try to please God the Creator through our karma, it is not part of our religion of Vaishnavism. We acknowledge Sri Krishna as Creator and Vishnu as His representative in Brahma-Nature and during the course of our yoga we in bhakti start treading the path of our individual lives in the hope that the devotion to Vishnu the Preserver and Saviour would guide us along our journey in life. That is all the bhakti we practice. It is done not so much as doing bhakti is irreverential or even sinful in anyway to God, it is found to have been in the case of the Founder of this particular sect of Vishista Advaita Vedanta to be non-productive, in the sense that during the 23 years of bhakti all he found was that he himself had to study very hard indeed, accumulating factual knowledge of Nature in a scientific, some would say semi-scientific framework of satya-advaita yoga, to find out the nooks and crannies of Nature that he then hypothesised under the sattvic, rajasic and tamasic categories of interplay in Reality. This was done and continues to be done by intense immersment into Creation for it was necessitated upon the author in the Creator God not giving him instant revelations despite the highest possible level of surrender in the use of a digital clock checking mechanism that he experimented with in the first two-thirds of his travels through the past 23 years. It all had be realised by personal yogic struggle for the truth.

And the proof of the pudding is also in the eating in the sense that even this morning he has done as considerable amount of work nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly in the post: , fearless of criticisms that this latest piece of work will rebound on him in any material manner from criticisms within the society and the State that he lives under.

Time is therefore very precious in our philosophy, say naught the struggle nought availeth is what his father ingrained into him as a child. We must work, independently and in the fullest libertarian spirit to engage in our emanating thoughts that in itself charts us towards our desitinies, quite evidently.

Thank you.