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Re: Too Early to Switch to Video Text

Hi, Sandi.

Thank you for your post.

While there is a great deal of information that your son is missing by skipping Levels E and F, I think because of his age, you need to try to move into VideoText Algebra so your son will have the high school credits and education he needs prior to graduating.

If you find that some of the material in VideoText is just too advanced for him, then you can go back and work and complete Level E. However, your son should spend as much of his time as possible working through VT Algebra as quickly as he can.

VideoText Algebra (Modules A through F) will cover Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and Algebra II. So he will have two high school credits for math when that program has been completed.

From there, he will need to work through VideoText Geometry (Modules A through F). This program will cover Geometry and Trigonometry. He will get 1 full credit for Geometry and 1/2 credit for Trigonometry.

I hope that helps! Of course, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to post them here or email us directly at

Have a great summer!