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Re: Level C 2nd edition

Hi, Sharon!

I am sorry...I was re-answering your first post!!!! :-)

Your son doesn't need to have the facts mastered prior to moving on. However, if he is really struggling on them, you may want to spend a couple of days practicing the facts. There were a couple of times when I stopped the lessons for about a week or two and worked only on the math facts until my kids were more comfortable with them. Then we moved on. It was a fun break for the kids and when we got back into the lessons, we just flew.

There will be continued review of addition and subtraction facts in Level C. Of course, review and practice over the summer will be very beneficial and give him a 'jump start' for the school year. I have 'review' math games and exercises throughout the summer with my kids and have found that it keeps their minds in math and they are mentally ready to go when school starts back up in the fall.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to repost! Have a fabulous day!