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Re: getting started


Thank you for your message. As far a comparison between the other programs, I speak only for RightStart by saying that we are proud to be a very hands-on program which uses minimal worksheets and games to benefit understanding.

Yes you are correct some of the manipulatives are repeats for both levels. If you are using both Levels A and C I would suggest making the following purchase: (this will be the most cost effective and least duplicate option) Level C Starter Kit ($180, savings of $62)), Level A Lessons ($45), Level A Worksheets ($5), Tally Sticks ($2), Yellow is the Sun CD ($2.50), Geometry Reflector ($5), Geoboards ($10), and an additional AL Abacus ($15, savings of $5) bringing your total cost to be $264.50 which qualifies you for free shipping!

When you begin with RightStart Levels C, D, or E your child completes the Transition Lessons (which is sold with the Level C Starter Kit). This way your child is transitioned from another program into RightStart.

I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.