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Re: New to RS, not sure what to purchase


Thank you for your message. I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding as your message slipped through the cracks. We are embarrassed and bewildered as to how on earth this happened!

You would be in a perfect position if you purchased Level B for your daughter. She would not be missing out on anything by starting at Level B. As far as what to purchase, I would highly recommend the Level B Starter Kit ( as this has everything you need to teach Level B. All items can be purchased separately, but buying the kit saves you $50.

With your son I would recommend taking the starting level questionnaire with him when the time comes around for him to begin. Partly because he may be picking up so much RS information from his sister that Level B may be a great beginning place for him also! You will be amazed at how many concepts he will pick up on as your family plays the Math Card Games and what math concepts he grasps from his sisters lessons.

I hope this helps and once again sorry for the delay in responding. Please let me know if there is anything else we can assist with.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.