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Re: how many min. per week of math games?

We are doing Level A with my 5yo. I only do games as they arise in the lessons. Am I supposed to be doing them at other times? At this point, my son is not asking to do them apart from lessons (not that he dislikes when we do them). So, basically, if I understand Dr. Cutter's message, I might suggest/encourage them when possible to keep the math juices working? Thanks,

Re: how many min. per week of math games?


Thank you for your message. You did read Dr. Cotter's message correctly and I will offer additional clarification.

I would suggest to offer the play the games during "non-math time". Ways to do this would be: rainy days, when neighbor kids are over to play, when dad gets home from work, or when grandparents come to visit!

This will create the ever important practice needed to show success for years to come! The more fun you have with them, the more your child will ask to play them!

I hope this offers some clarification, if you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask! :)

Make it a great day!
