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Re: struggling learner - frustrated mom


Sorry for the delay in answering! We had the holiday weekend and we also had some website troubles so I am just getting caught up on some messages! :)

Thank you so much for your message. Also thank you to Shannon for replying! She sounds like she has had a similar situation and its always best to hear from someone who has traveled that road before! :)

Talking to Dr Cotter she suggested that in this situation having a complete evaluation done with your daughter and that if its a visual issue, see a developmental optometrist. That will give you some specialized care.

As far as suggestions, what we have suggested has been used. As you and I both stated, each child is unique as is the learning style. No one knows your child better than you!

I would still guide away from switching programs considering it will delay the necessary help that your daughter needs.

Take a deep breath! We know you can do this and please let us know how else we can help!

Cassie :)

Re: struggling learner - frustrated mom

Thanks, Shannon, for responding. It does feel good to know that others have struggled, too. I know that sometimes breaks are definately what's needed to calm frazzled nerves for both of us and would certainly be willing to put things away for a break... but we just had about a month off for moving from one neighborhood to another. I thought the break would have done us some good and did start back in with the games to find us still stuck.

Cassie - I've looked longingly at DO's, but sadly our insurance doesn't cover Vision Therapy and we certainly can't afford it. Come October we might not have any insurance at all and then we won't even be getting her OT that's been such a help. She's had a psych eval and that is what prompted the OT eval in the first place. They diagnosed her with a Cognitive Disordor, NOS (whatever that means) and ADHD as well as finding the motor delays. Her Visual Perceptual Skills range from the 4 yr old level for Form Constancy to almost 6 yr level for Sequential Memory per her re-eval in April. Right now we're working at home through computer programs and workbooks to try and remediate her visual problems. I was just hoping that y'all would have some specific things I could do within the math program that hadn't already been tried or that I hadn't thought of in order to help me help her understand. But... on a good note, today she actually answered a word problem question correctly on the first try and gave a coherent explanation! Of course, she then proceeded to fill in the part/whole circle with 9 as the whole and 10 and 8 as the parts (the equation was 8+2=10) ... little steps I tell myself... little steps...

Re: struggling learner - frustrated mom

Thank you again for your message! Also happy to see it ended on a happy note! Baby steps....

I understand the concern for Vision Therapy costs and the scare of insurance. With today's economy, we cannot depend on anything! I will be thinking of your family and hope all works out! :)

I just wanted to give you that option as I know of a family that it worked wonders for! :) There are a true testimony of a Vision Therapy success story.

Keep on moving! Keep us posted on the progress. We only hope the best for you and your daughter. We know both of you can do this! :)

Thank you again for contacting us!


Re: struggling learner - frustrated mom

I just want to encourage you to pursue the visual tracking issue. I personally know of 3 children that have had the therapy and with great success. A 10 year old child that struggled with math and an 8th grader that struggled in many areas will tell you that therapy changed their life around. The 3rd child I know that did well in school but still had some eye tracking issues says that school is so much easier now. I know that therapy is not cheap, but if that is the problem, it might be well worth it. We ourselves are in the process of starting it with our 17 year old son. Wish we looked into this sooner.

Sorry, I didn't read the later posts before I wrote.

I do understand the financial issues. Fortunately our insurance is covering about 2/3rds of it. That makes the decision much easier for us.