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Re: AL Abacus and Level E

Odd! It's definitely in my "sent" folder. Such is the nature of cyberspace, I guess. Oh, it was sent from a different email address than the one I'm using on this forum, but the subject matter would make it obvious it was the same person anyway.

I understand the reasoning, I'm sure it's unusual for folks to go "backwards" like we are.

I'll try calling. Thanks!


Re: Re: Email?

Oh, and I also wanted to say that's a good idea to look for a used abacus. I'm already on the Yahoo RS forum, so I'll keep an eye out there. Thanks!!!

Re: Re: Email?

After all this, I think I've decided to wait on getting the abacus (and the A and B worksheets) until it's time for my daughter to actually start. It will cost more in the long run for shipping... but who knows, maybe the currency exchange will be closer to par then and I'll end up saving anyway lol... But it's better for our budget right now.

Plus, by then I'll know more clearly what items (lesson books and manipulatives) I'll be able to inherit in good condition from our relatives, and which I'll need to replace. So I may as well just wait and get the abacus and all of DD's worksheets and whatever else is needed at that time.

By not spending the $$ on stuff for her for later, I may splurge and get the nice wooden fraction puzzle for DS... heehee...

Thanks for your help and your patience with me!
