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Hi again!

I emailed a question to several days ago with a couple questions about the order I'm planning. I haven't heard anything back yet. I don't know if the same people monitor this forum as monitor the emails -- do you know anything about how long it usually takes to hear back?

I'd like to place my order ASAP so that we can get started, but I need these questions answered first.

If it matters, the questions are about the possibility of substituting items in the kits, ie, substituting the classic abacus instead of the junior which seems to be the only offered kit for level E, even if it means paying a few extra dollars. I don't need 2 abacuses (abaci?) especially since we already have another one (without the 5-groupings of course) at home. And I want the classic one since I plan to use RS with my daughter in a couple years when she's old enough.

Also was wondering about substituting the Canadian coin cards for the American ones in the card games kit, rather than having to buy them additionally.

Thanks for any help!

Re: Email?


I'm the one who gets the emails and I haven't seen your email! I'll check if you got stopped by the spam filter. Usually I get respond in 24 hours.

Sadly, kits cannot be modified. I understand you wanting to upgrade to the AL Abacus Classic, but we don't have that option. Perhaps order the second abacus when your littler one is ready to begin? Or check if you can find a gently used one with a bit of a discount?

Same thing for the Canadian cards - no exchanges. I know some Canadians like having both the US and Canadian coins for the children to learn.

Sorry we weren't able to give you the answers you wanted, but we are looking forward to having you join the RightStart family!

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: Re: Email?

Thanks for the speedy reply! I was actually going to order the worksheets for A and B with this order to save on shipping and put them away for a couple years, so I wouldn't have to order again and pay more shipping costs in just a couple years when DD is ready.

My niece and nephew are currently using A and B, so we'll be able to get some of the manipulatives and the lesson books from them when DD starts, so we really only need the worksheets for A and B.

I was disappointed, I guess, that the lower levels offered the option of Standard or Classic, but the higher levels starter kits offered ONLY the Junior.

I even experimented with the idea of getting the A starter kit instead, and just getting the 'upgrades' needed for E... but since many of the materials we'll be getting from my family, it still worked out much cheaper to get the starter kit for E and fill in the gaps for A and B. A bit "backwards" from the norm, I know! :)

Unfortunately my niece and nephew will still be using their abacus when my daughter joins in. Money's tight right now, so I have to think about this a bit before placing the order.


AL Abacus and Level E


I certainly understand your disappointment with the Starter Kit Level E only offering one abacus choice. Reasoning is that the older students use the abacus less, therefore don't need a bigger one (and more expensive), like the AL Abacus Standard or AL Abacus Classic.

We sometimes have gently used products here at the warehouse. Call 888-775-6284 and let's see what we have that fits your needs and your budget.

By the way, I went through our junk mail filter for and didn't see an email from you. Hmmm. Maybe shooting through cyberspace it hit a speed bump....


Re: AL Abacus and Level E

Odd! It's definitely in my "sent" folder. Such is the nature of cyberspace, I guess. Oh, it was sent from a different email address than the one I'm using on this forum, but the subject matter would make it obvious it was the same person anyway.

I understand the reasoning, I'm sure it's unusual for folks to go "backwards" like we are.

I'll try calling. Thanks!


Re: Re: Email?

Oh, and I also wanted to say that's a good idea to look for a used abacus. I'm already on the Yahoo RS forum, so I'll keep an eye out there. Thanks!!!

Re: Re: Email?

After all this, I think I've decided to wait on getting the abacus (and the A and B worksheets) until it's time for my daughter to actually start. It will cost more in the long run for shipping... but who knows, maybe the currency exchange will be closer to par then and I'll end up saving anyway lol... But it's better for our budget right now.

Plus, by then I'll know more clearly what items (lesson books and manipulatives) I'll be able to inherit in good condition from our relatives, and which I'll need to replace. So I may as well just wait and get the abacus and all of DD's worksheets and whatever else is needed at that time.

By not spending the $$ on stuff for her for later, I may splurge and get the nice wooden fraction puzzle for DS... heehee...

Thanks for your help and your patience with me!
