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Re: Member input solicited - web page links to other rides

I would like to see all avalible area ride/event options posted here rather then searching them out individually, but also realize that for every fun downhill (our convenience) there comes a climb (the extra pressure on club staff).

Re: Member input solicited - web page links to other rides

Check out This is Tim Hall's website. He is a local racer and coach of the Cumberland University Cycling team. He does allot of research into all cycling events in the Southeast and has lists for them..............

Re: Member input solicited - web page links to other rides

The downside is the work involved in keeping up with it. Posting a link to the Charity Rides on the site would be an easy way to do it and it appears to be a fairly exhaustive list.

Depending on how it was done, the link could go to that site or we could give credit to that site. If there's somebody dedicated to maintaining such a list, why not take advantage of it?