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why are volcanoes formed in these areas?

u see, the web says that volcanoes are found along destructive plate boundaries, constructive plate boundaries and at hot spots in the earth's surface. why is that so? please help me with this^^ thks

Re: why are volcanoes formed in these areas?

At destructive plate boundaries, the two plates move towards each other. This causes one plate to become submerged. The huge amount of heat & pressure causes a build of magma; this is eventually released in the form of a volcano.

At constructive plate boundaries, plates move away from each other, and magma rises through the opening, from beneath the plates, to form new volcanoes (eg Mid Atlantic Ridge) or volcanic islands (eg Iceland).

Hot spots are when plates slide alongside each other, either in opposite directions, or the same direction but at different speeds. The friction causes earthquakes/sometimes volcanoes (eg San Andreas Fault).