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Recommendation for High School

I was wondering what curriculum you would recommend for high school (Alg 1, Geometry, Alg 2, etc) for a student who did very well with Right Start Math.

Re: Recommendation for High School

Hi, Laura.

RightStart Math recommends the student either take VideoText Algebra (for high school Algebra I and II) and VideoText Geometry (for high school Geometry, Trigonometry, and PreCalculus).

Another option recommended by Dr. Cotter for the strong math student is Art of Problem Solving.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to repost them here on the forum or email RightStart Math directly at

Have a great day!

Re: Recommendation for High School

Thank you! I knew I had seen it at the homeschool conference, but I couldn't remember the name.

Re: Recommendation for High School

My pleasure, Laura!

Have a fabulous school year!