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Printable worksheets for Level D multiplication

We have just reached Lesson 94 in Level D, volume 1 and are being asked to use previous multiplication worksheets for practice. Are these available as printable PDFs or something along those lines? My only option is to erase the work that has been done already, but I am sure the answers will be visible.

thank you!

Re: Printable worksheets for Level D multiplication

Hi, Kelly.

RightStart Math gives special permission for families to copy the Practice Sheets (and the Appendix) as many times as needed. Because you have already used them, if you would like to email RightStart Math directly at info@rightstartmath, we will be happy to email a copy of those Practice Sheets for you to print out and use as often as you need! ;-)

Have a great day!

Re: Printable worksheets for Level D multiplication

Thank you so much!