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Level A-Lesson 24 Question...


I am working with my 5 year old daughter (Dec.1) through Level A. We just finished working through the Activities section of Lesson 25 yesterday. When it was time to enter the Tens and Ones, she had no problem at all. The trouble began when we were doing the Practice portion. She couldn't transition between entering the amount 4 ten plus 6 and then having to enter the same amount as 4-ten 6. She didn't get that she was still adding the amounts together without out the prompt word "plus".

My question is this: Should I park it here until she gets it and moving forward or keep going and hope it will click when she does it later on? I plan to review the section again with her today before playing the Swim to Ten Game. Is this a good strategy on my part?


Re: Level A-Lesson 24 Question...

Hello Cassie,

This is a very common problem, I would park a day or so and then move on and review the concept regularly, without taking much time. Just review it, don't redo the whole lesson again. She will go through this again in Level B, and it will come together better and quicker then. But she should be able to do it in this level to some degree of understanding.

She will get more practice with this concept, so a day or so should be good and then move on.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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