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August Ride Calendar

In August, we will have the HOT100 on the 23rd, and the HOT preview on the 16th.

We need ride leaders for the following Saturdays:
2nd, 9th, 30th. CZ Leaders are needed for the 2nd, 16th, and 30th. For the 16th, the route is already planned, CZ leader would just lead group.

All Sundays are currently open.

Please let me know if you are interested in leading a ride. Thanks!

Re: August Ride Calendar

Cary Way has the August 2 CZ ride.

Re: Re: August Ride Calendar

See if you can put me in for Aug.9

Re: August Ride Calendar

I will lead the Saturday 8/30/08 ride, and the Sunday 8/24/08 ride. I will also lead the CZ ride for 8/16/08......any conflicts let me know.

Any new people feel like leading?

It's fun.

Re: Any new people feel like leading?

Izzy and Keith. I have you guys down for your respective rides. Keith, as discussed yesterday, I'm going to leave the CZ ride open for the 16th for now.



Re: August Ride Calendar

what dates are still open for August ride leader opportunities?