It's been a while since there's been good action on this forum. Politics, religion, and gum spitting aside, here is a topic that merits serious debate.
The subject of those infamous saddle sours came up on today's ride and how does one get rid of the painful little fellows? Coonbilly and Eric will appreciate this cure. Regular application of Boudreaux's Butt Paste over a several day period will often do the job.
There is at least one club member that is currently suffering. I'm sure several of you reading this post will empathize with the pain this person is experiencing and be willing to share your own experience and home remedies.
Cruisin the Bayou organizers in Thibodaux (that's Boudreauxs friend/s name)were passing the Butt Paste out-must be something to it. Ed we've missing you-hope you and all your girls are having a grand time. Awesome ride last night!(as usual).