Jeff and Kevin are at TS 26 (Colwich, KS) having ridden 1576.8 miles in 4 days 6h 15m. They are more then 1/2 way with just 1437.6 miles left on fixed gear bikes!
Go Team Fixies!
Update as of 23:15 (EDT) Jeff and Kevin pulled into TS 33 in Marthasville, MO having ridden 1987.8 mi in 5days- 7hr- 50min. They are over 50 miles ahead of the closest rider behind them and have just a little over 1000 miles until the finish- They are still avg. 15.51 mph for the entire race- awesome!
Jeff and Kevin in 6 days 3 hr 19 min have ridden 2292.8 miles. They have left TS 38 in Bllomington, IN and only have 721.6 miles remaining. Their avg. speed since the start is now 15:56 mph. on fixed gear bikes!
Go Team Fixies!
Just 315 miles to go! Jeff and Kevin checked into TS 46 in Grafton, WV @ 21:58 (EDT) having completed 2700 miles in 7 days 6 hr 33 min and avg. 15.46 mph for entire race.
At their current pace Jeff and Kevin will cross the finish line today between 1700 and 1730 EDT- and will be the first to cross it. There's an 8 person team that left 3 days after them that is averging almost 24 mph that will be about 3-4 hours behind them, The first solo rider to cross will come in sometime on Tuesday (less then 9 days for 3000+ miles).
Again checkout the website as it has pictures- live updates= stats- etc. on it.
Team Fixies Rock!!!
Team Fixies (fixed gear bikes)Jeff and Kevin finshed the 3014.4 miles of RAAM at 19:46 EDT. It took them 8 days 4 hours 21 min. to ride from California to Maryland. Overall avg. speed was 15:35 mph and they were the first to cross the finish line!!!