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Re: Stired the bucket

Stir the bucket? Is that the right reaction to anyone who holds an opinion here? The original post made no sense $.02. Deal with it...

yeah, it's the right reaction

Ed posted what has been the expectation that people don't post against the main rides. You wondered why. It was explained. You also said that although current rides are inconvenient to YOU, you were not offering to help or apparently contribute in any way. If you are a club member & want the club to do something different, propose some course of action AND be willing to HELP get it done. Otherwise....stfu

Re: yeah, it's the right reaction

Maybe that response is why some don't go to the "offical" club rides.

Re: yeah, it's the right reaction

Below in quotes is exactly what I said. It had nothing to do with 'me', I was thinking about ALL people who like to ride. That's why I said 'for some'. Can you honestly tell me that you've never (deliberately) missed a club ride because it was either too far, too early, or too late for your taste? This was my point, and the next thing I see are people demanding that I offer to plan a ride for the calendar...

"""I agree with the other guy. The weekly rides generally start in locations not easy to reach because of time or traffic for some, and there are those who would like to join up with others in their area if possible. I don't think the club's going to be hurt by someone who joins an alternate ride because they can't (or don't want to) make the main one."""

So in the hopes of ending this with some common sense...... The MBC forum is the only place 'anyone' in Murfreesboro has to post rides in the hopes that others can join up. It's the only club in town and with that being the case, its existence is there for all interested parties, membership or not. Why else have the forum? They should be able to post a ride for anytime, anywhere, without some ride leader way over on the east side of town getting ticked off because someone else posts a ride for the exact same time or an hour later in a more central spot. What if Nobody shows? Too bad! Be prepared to ride solo. Other clubs around the country post multiple rides, some planned, some not, all starting at different places and times, some even starting from the same place and time, but a different route. If you don't want 'competition' for the newsletter rides (that some can't make), then close this forum to only club members and require passwords. See how long the club lasts after that.....

Re: yeah, it's the right reaction

As it happens, I was up for renewal I believe. Don't think I'll be doing that now. My money is best spent on my bike. I do need some new socks....

Re: Re: yeah, it's the right reaction

Yeah, you're already doing all you're good for.

Re: Re: Re: yeah, it's the right reaction

Wow...that was priceless.

You're welcome

Club dues are payable at the beginning of the year. Any rider is welcome to join the club rides regardless of membership status. What more could you ask for? See you on the road.

Re: You're welcome

I'd ask for a club that invites a little more than just my $20 into its coffers.

I have no idea who you are, and I don't really care, but unless you plan to have MBC police officers show up at competing rides with boxes of tacks, then let people post rides whenever/wherever. It encourages membership, something I've not seen much of from this club, especially from the attitudes of you, Larry and Nancy especially. How about it Ed? See YOU on the road.

And your point is (full circle)

"not seen much of from this club" - Haven't made any club rides have you?

"No help was offered yet." - Enticement to let you use our forum resources as you see fit???

"The MBC forum is the only place 'anyone' in Murfreesboro has to post rides in the hopes that others can join up."
- Not so unless the policy changes. You could raise the issue at a meeting were you a member.

"I have no idea who you are" See YOU on the road."
- It's mutual. Have a nice day.

Re: And your point is (full circle)

In the interest of good neighbors and full understanding here goes nothing. It seems that everyone here is missing each other's point. Yes, David, I understand if there is a ride starting at Kittrell School and you live in Smyrna then you may want a ride closer to Smyrna. No one disputes that. However, if you announce a ride in Smyrna at the same time as the Kittrell ride then a person who may have planned to go to the Kitrell ride may decide the Smyrna ride looks more interesting. No, that may not sound like a big deal to you but to the ride leader who loses participants it is a smack in the face. It is a matter of respect. He/she chose to sign up to lead a ride and usually has spent time planning the ride. Do you think it is alright to post on the club's website fishing for riders for a competing ride? All Ed was doing was merely requesting a little respect for the handful of us willing to lead club rides and events. Yes, if no one shows then a ride leader should be okay with riding alone. Unfortunately, what happens is the leader will say screw it and elect not to lead future rides. We need more leaders not less. Club rides are greatly beneficial for comraderie and developing newer rider's skills, confidence, and enthusiasm!
This is one of the best clubs I have been involved with throughout the southeast and you have convinced me to finally join.
By the way, I lead a ride or so a year and organize a larger event. I take great care not to schedule my event and rides in conflict with other's--even other club's events! So if you need or desire rides at different locations, times etc., step up to the plate.

Re: Re: And your point is (full circle)

Well if it makes anyone happy, I joined last night via Active, if only to provide some strength to what's been said. This does not mean that I will be invading meetings or joining rides with ben-hur styled chariot clippers on my wheels. So breathe easy. I'm here to ride, and that's about it.

To Baffled:

It would never be my intention (nor anyone's I hope) to 'steal' riders from another ride, but to just offer the convenience of options in a city of 93,000 people. The club likely has other problems if there's a worry about attendance at one ride because another one exists. Anyways, I've said my peace, so we'll agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Re: Re: Re: And your point is (full circle)

Happy to have you aboard--the Club always needs strong individuals, whether I agree with you or not. Free society is based on lively and open debate.

Now can you lead a ride August 31?

Re: Re: Re: Re: And your point is (full circle)

What's happening Aug 31? Is that when gas hits $5/gal? If so, I'm leading ALL the rides...