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short a few manipulatives

Hi. I have done edition one through level E with my child. I am going to purchase RS2 Level F. I am short just a few items that are in the RS2 math kit that I don't have. Specifically, the geometric solids, geometry panels, and the math balance. Can you tell me if these items are necessarily for RS Level F?

Re: short a few manipulatives

Hi, Rachel.

Thank you for your post. I am sorry for the delay in responding. I am a bit behind as I have been away working several homeschool conventions.

For Level F, you will need most of the manipulatives, but not all.

Level F will use the Geometry Solids in two lessons, the Geometry Panels in two lessons and will use the math balance in five or more lessons.

I hope that helps you make a decision on what to purchase.

Let us know if you have any further questions!

Re: short a few manipulatives

Yes. That is helpful. Thank you!

Re: short a few manipulatives

My pleasure, Rachel!