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Index for Right Start Math Card Games?

This is my first time on this forum, but I have been using Right Start Math, Level C, to my two boys this past year. I honestly ***LOVE*** the math games!!! However, now I'm switching to a different curriculum to get some more focus on two digit addition & subtraction, but I still want to play math card games to reinforce the principles I'll be teaching with the other curriculum.

So, does anyone know of a blog or resource where an index of RSM card games are linked with math topics like Estimation, Inequalities, etc.?

I know there's an index at the back of the book, but it's only an index of card game titles, not necessarily their applications.

I'd really like a resource like this to save me time in my weekly planning. Plus, if one already exists, I don't want to recreate the wheel.

TIA for your help!!!

-- Scoutmom35

Re: Index for Right Start Math Card Games?

Hi, Scoutmom35.

As far as I know, there is not a topical index like you are describing. As you know, the chapters are divided into overall concepts, Number Sense, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Money, Time, Fractions. Within those disciplines, you can find similar concepts (for example, you can find a negative number game in the subtraction chapter).

In taking a quick glance through the Games Manual, I do not see any games specifically covering inequalities or estimations. However, you can find rounding in the Number Sense chapter.

I hope that helps! Have a great day!