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Re: After RightStart E- 1rst Edition

Thank you Rachel! I just placed my order. Could a strong math student go from Level F to Videotext Pre-Algebra? Do you know what concepts they would be missing by NOT doing Level G?

Thanks Again!

Re: After RightStart E- 1rst Edition

Hi, Vanessa!

If your child is a strong and mature learner, then you may be able to move straight to VideoText. My oldest son started VideoText in 6th grade. He did fine in Algebra. But his mind is wired that way. I would not have been able to do the same with two of my other children. My fourth child, I have yet to determine.

I do understand that Level G is quite a bit different from the other levels and definitely more complex. I have worked through it three times (with my kids) so far and while at times it can be quite difficult, I have seen results that are unexpected. For example, not only do my kids learn to apply math concepts they learned in elementary school, but they also learn how to think analytically. In addition, they learn to become mature learners by having to study and do research to get to the solutions. Answers are not obvious and they need to figure out how to solve equations.

If your are considering trying Level G again, I have another idea. I believe next year (school year 2018-2019), RightStart Math will be offering an online course for Level G. This online class will provide your child with teachers and support. You do not have to teach Level G. If your child has any questions, they can go straight to their online teachers.

If the online course is not an option for you, but you are thinking about Level G, I am here as well. As I have said before, I have worked through Level G three times with my kids and have answered NUMEROUS emails regarding Level G. You and your child can also use me as a resource to help work through Level G.

I am just throwing out some suggestions for you. My kids have not used anything else besides RightStart Math and VideoText. I know that some folks have used Art of Problem Solving as opposed to VideoText. I believe this course (textbook) is designed for the strong math student. It starts with PreAlgebra and moves through more advanced math concepts, including calculus.

I hope that helps! Have a great school year!