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Re: Lesson length

Hi, Bethany.

Great question! While I am sure you will find a variety of folks saying a variety of different things... ;-) What I have found in teaching my four children (with a variety of different learning styles, including some struggling learners) is that for kindergarten, 10-15 minutes of work in any subject is sufficient. Anything longer, and kids tend to get distracted. At that age, in fact, they NEED to change gears after a period of focused time. They need to explore and play. They are just wired that way.

Of course, each child is different. Some can sit much longer than others. But for Level A, the rule of thumb is 10-15 minutes per lesson time. Level B you will up that to 15-20 minutes, unless you have a struggling learniner, in which case, you may need to modify those times a bit.

I hope that helps!
Have a great day!

Re: Lesson length

Are the lessons in Level A written to take about 10-15 minutes?

Re: Lesson length

Hi, Bethany.

Yes. The lessons in Level A should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Obviously, each child learns at a different speed and some lessons might take longer than others. But generally speaking, they should only take about 10 to 15 minutes.
