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Re: transition worksheets necessary?

Hi, Savanna.

There are a few worksheets in the Transition Manual that will show pictures of various numbers on the abacus that the student is to evaluate. It also shows the fraction chart in several ways to help the student understand how to solve using the fraction chart. In my personal view, I think it would be helpful to have. However, it is up to you.

Sometimes, we have gently used items that have been returned that are resold at a discounted rate. You may want to call and see if the worksheets are available. You can call RightStart Math at (888)272-3291.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to repost here or email RightStart Math directly at info@rightstartmath.

Have a great summer!

Re: transition worksheets necessary?

Thank you so much for getting back to me so fast. I appreciate the information.

Re: transition worksheets necessary?

My pleasure, Savanna!

Re: transition worksheets necessary?

Follow up question. I can't find a list of materials I need in order to teach the transition lessons ( I am hoping to get these done before the new level E comes out in Aug/Sep). Do you know which ones I need or know where I can find a list? I probably have everything but I just want to make sure.

Re: transition worksheets necessary?

Hi, Savanna!

Here are the items you will need to teach Transition Lessons T35 through the end of the Transitions Manual (You don't need to teach the first 34 lessons).

-AL Abacus
-Cards for playing Math Card Games
-Place Value Cards
-Fraction Charts
-Geared Clock

I hope that helps! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to repost here or email us at

Have a wonderful day!

Re: transition worksheets necessary?

Great! Thank you so much!

Re: transition worksheets necessary?

I just got my transitions manual. I did go ahead and order the worksheets too (they aren't here yet). In your previous comment, you said I don't need to teach the previous 34 lessons, that I can just start on 35. What did you mean by that? There are only 34 lessons in the manual. Do I start with Lesson 35 in level E?


Re: transition worksheets necessary?

Hi, Savanna.

You will start at Lesson T35 in the Transitions Manual, page 80 in the book. You do not need to work through Lessons T1 through T34 in the Transition Manual. Those are for students who are starting in Levels C and D. Once you complete Lessons T35 through T55, you are ready to start at Lesson 1 in Level E.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions!
Have a great day and enjoy RightStart Math!!!! ;-)


Re: transition worksheets necessary?

I just realized what is going on. I do not have the newest edition. I didn't realize it had been revised. My edition only goes to T34 and page 71, I think. There is not T35 onward and no page 80.

Re: transition worksheets necessary?

Hi, Savannah.

There is only one edition for the Transition Lessons. You may want to call the office and talk to them and clarify what you ordered and what you received. ALL Transition Manuals (regardless of which level you purchase) should have all the transition lessons T1 through T55.

Their phone number is (888)272-3291.

Let me know if you have any further questions! Good luck!