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Re: level C practice sheets 13-18, 33, 34

Hi, Marti!

Great question! The practice sheets are used throughout the year. Although, they are many times overlooked as they are 'subtly' suggested throughout the Lessons. You can review Lesson 6 which discusses the use of Practice Sheets in Level C (and in all subsequent levels in the First Edition).

In a nutshell, the practice sheets are designed to be copied (yes you can copy the practice sheets) and used over and over throughout Level C. In the Materials section of the lesson, you will find the suggested practice sheets to use. For example, Lesson 41 says to use Practice Sheets 1 - 18. Obviously, you won't do all 18 worksheets - just the ones that your child needs practice on.

Mostly, the practice sheets are used on the Review and Practice Days. The Review Worksheets cover the review and the Practice worksheets cover the practice (obviously).

That being said, I personally didn't 'catch on' to the process until my third child through First Edition! Hee hee hee! Perhaps that is why Dr. Cotter has established a different practice for the Second Edition!

I hope that helps! As always, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to repost here or email RightStart Math directly at

Have a fabulous summer!