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Mastery of multpication in Level C?

We just went through the couple chapters of multiplication in Level C and my son has not mastered it yet. I looked through the rest of the book and we won't be covering multiplication again. Is it okay to continue on? Does Level D go through multiplication more thoroughly or should I stop now and play games and review the multiplication until he has it mastered?

Let me say, he understands how and why to multiply but he can not tell me the facts quickly at all.

Re: Mastery of multpication in Level C?

Hi, Christine.

Great question!!! Kids gain math fact speed through practice. Some kids need more practice and others need less. One thing you will want to do is to continue the multiplication Math Card Games. Even though the games are not listed in the lesson, if you know your son needs more help with his speed, go ahead and continue them.

Two of the games we play a lot is (P10) Multiplication Memory - this works on one specific multiple - and Multiplication War - which works on all of the multiples.

I don't think it is particularly necessary for you to stop moving forward in the lessons unless his speed is so slow that it hinders him from learning or if it causes frustration for him. Multiplication will be covered in future lessons/levels, but you will want to get his speed up now while the learning of it is 'fresh'. Once his speed is up, you don't have to continue play those games everyday, but you will want to provide periodic 'review' games for him so he keeps up his speed.

I hope that helps! Of course, if you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to re-post here or email RightStart Math directly at

Have a great day!