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Level E and Geometry Mastery

My daughter is half way through hands on geometry and has done all previous levels of RS. I feel like she understands all the concepts but not completely mastered them. Level E covered all of the usual 5th-6th grade curriculum things like percent, decimals & fractions so quickly that I find now she has forgotten a lot of it. And now in the geometry level there is no review sheets ever - not of the previous level or the new material. So I feel like we are just introducing ideas but not truly mastering them. Help! What do I need to do? Review, slow down, back track to Level E? There are things in Geometry that the curriculum assumes the student should know (like how to write out each step of the equations to get your ending answer) that is never covered or explained. It assumes basic pre-algebra skills that were not taught in level E. I'm afraid that when we go on to Video Text next year we will have some serious lapses. The usual answer I get is play more of the games, but the games don't teach multiplying decimals (which Level E only briefly mentions but doesn't practice)or word problems using percents and converting factions. Any input is welcome.

Re: Level E and Geometry Mastery

Hi, Chris.

You are right. Level G does not have 'review' of the math facts or the previously learned math concepts. It is helpful to provide additional practice while working through the first half of Level G. I, personally, provided a long division equation or two or a multivide prior to starting the Level G Lesson. My son did not struggle at all moving into VideoText as there was plenty of 'review' of the fractions, decimals and percents in Module A. If you are concerned, you may want to consider working 4 days a week on Level G and on the 5th day of the week review a lesson (or some of the previously learned math concepts) from Level E.

I hope that is helpful! :-) If you have any further questions, please feel free to email Rightstart Math directly at

Have a great summer!