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Level B after level A

My 6 year old just finished level A. We started level B this week and the first lessons seem to be just a review of what he already learned in A. Some one told me that there is a list of lessons in B to skip if the child has completed Level A but my book doesn't include that list - I bought it used and so maybe it is just in the newer books? What lessons do we skip over in B if we have completed A?

Re: Level B after level A

Hi, Alison!

If you are using Level B First Edition, the first 30 lessons are review lessons. While many parents just skip past those lessons, I found (in teaching my kids) that you can use those lessons for review of concepts. I did several lessons in one sitting (like 5 lessons or more)just to get 'tabs' on their comprehension of the material. Level B First Edition starts moving much quicker through material is it is a good 'deep breath' before the learning begins! :-)

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to repost here or email us directly at

Have a great day!

Re: Level B after level A

We just finished level A with our six year old too! Congratulations! We are planning to start Level B, second edition after Christmas and New years travels. I don't think they publish a list or that such a thing could exist. Last summer I was at a home school conference looking and sort of stressing over which edition of level B to purchase. The women at the Right Start table were so patient with me. One of them told me that there are some overlapping parts of lessons and repetition between level A, first ed. and B, second ed., but it isn't like Level A lesson 71 is the same as Level B lesson 4 in the second edition. She made the point that they changed the order of lessons and concepts and added to the original edition for clarification, additional practice, etc. With all that said, if you do come across any information, I would be really interested to know what you find out!
This may not be helpful you, but I was actually thinking it might be a good thing that some of the lessons could overlap since we'll be taking about five weeks off and my son might need to refresh and review. I realize you're not taking the time off, so maybe this isn't really helpful. I suppose that if you get to a lesson that is clearly too easy, you can just smile and say, "I think we've really got this!" and call it day? I don't do that often, but I would imagine it would make my son happy.
This is sort of off topic, but do you know of any supplemental materials, games, or websites that are age appropriate for us to use to sort of fill the gap for the next few weeks until we jump into level B? Thanks for your help and good luck! Elizabeth

Re: Level B after level A

Hi, Alison.

In the First Edition the first 30'ish' lessons has a lot of review. Typically, a student will finish Level A in the Spring and then pick back up Level B in the Fall - so more review is necessary. While there is a lot of review in the beginning of Level B, there is also new material covered in those lessons. You don't want to skip those lessons entirely. However, you can move through them quicker - and in fact, do more than one lesson a day. Skim over the review concepts and focus on the new concepts.

With my kids (I teach over the summer months, so we don't have a full break), when I come across a review topic I will give them one or two sample equations just to be sure they 'remember' the material. If they struggle with it a little, I do the entire activity. If they have it down, I move forward to the next activity or lesson.

I hope that helps! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to repost here or email RightStart Math directly at

Have a great day!