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Post a message or simply read what others have written and answered. Rachel, a RightStart™ Math user and one of our customer care people, will be monitoring this forum. She will respond to your questions as needed.

Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Items for sale

Base ten picture cards - $1.50
cards for math games - $15.00
6 decks - multiplication (product), corners, basic, fractions, money, and
will also include product card envelopes
geoboards (2) - $7.50
wooden cubes - $2.50
tangrams (2 sets) - $2.50
centimeter cubes - $2.00
tally sticks - $1.25
math balance - $12.50

All items are in good condition.

Actual postage to be added to total.

I will pay postage and insurance if you purchase all the items.

Payment through paypal.

Re: Items for sale

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