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2nd Edition Math Set

I'm planning on ordering the 2nd Edition Level A set soon but I am confused over the math set. It seems to have manipulatives that wouldn't be used with level A. Are the calculator, geometry panels, and geometry reflector, and all the others actually used with Level A? I'd really rather buy a bundle that just had the things necessary for the books I'm buying, not all the years at once. Thank you, Kate Williams

Re: 2nd Edition Math Set

Hi, Kate.

Actually, with Level A Second Edition, almost all of the manipulatives are used - including the Geometry Reflector and the Calculator. So many more manipulatives are used in each level that it is actually more cost effective to order them up front. The only expense you will have in future years is the cost of the Teacher's manual and the Workbooks.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email RightStart Math at or call our help desk at (888)272-3291.

Have a great day!

Re: 2nd Edition Math Set

Thank you for answering. Glad to know they will all be used.