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No More Canadian Penny

Hi, I'm one of the Canadian users of RS. I'm not sure if you are aware of this in the United States - but the Canadian Penny is (as of this week) not being used in stores. The government stopped making them recently, and as of now, any cash purchases are rounded up or down and pennies will not be given in change. (They will be accepted in the store.)

I'm sitting here trying to figure out how I will deal with the penny in the future in lessons. My oldest 2 are in level C, and are familiar enough with the penny that it isn't a big deal to continue to use it... but my 4yo is in level A, and I have a 2yo following in the future. I expect that soon the penny will be scarce, and not used.

I look at the money games and lessons, and of course the penny is a big part of them. But in the future the Canadian kids would need modifications - I guess basically adding in Rounding Skills? I haven't figured out all the differences at this point....

Any thoughts???

Re: No More Canadian Penny

Thank you for the information. Dr. Cotter is aware of it. I have a couple of suggestions for you.

First of all, depending on the purpose of the teaching, you may want to keep teaching the 'penny' even though it is not used. It is a good way to teach 'one' and if you are working on place value, it may come in handy. If, however, you are teaching money, you may need to modify the games and not include the penny.

Anyway, I will forward this information to Dr. Cotter so she can plan to have modifications made to the games and curriculum for future releases.

Again, thanks for the update!
Have a great day!