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Level G question on time for each assignment

We started Level G in August. We are currently on lesson 78. No way we will finish this curriculum within the school year. Most lessons take my son at least 2 days to complete. Could not find any indication of how long a lesson takes in the book - perhaps I missed it? But I would assume that most lessons should take one day. Or should have been designed as such since there are 165 lessons. In planning out the week, if the lesson indicates it will take two days to complete, I assign it as such. That has only happened a couple of times earlier in the year. But typically, if there is more than one worksheet, by the time my son finishes reading/studying lesson, recording any definitions, he only has time for one work sheet.

So, is the level designed to take one or two years. Are my expectations for my student to high in that we should complete the entire lesson in a day, when there is more than one worksheet. Some of the exercises are quite time consuming, especially when one entails cutting things out, etc.

Re: Level G question on time for each assignment

Hi, Beth.

Great question. RightStart Math Level G takes about 2 years to complete. There are quite a few lessons which take more than one day to finish. As far as how long you spend on each lesson, I recommend that you don't spend more than an hour on a lesson - or if you see your child start to 'check out', then I recommend you stop. My middle son is currently working on Level G and we are on Lesson 81 (very close to where you are!)

By the way, when you get to Lesson 80, RightStart Math suggests that you start VideoText Algebra. Here is a link to the website that talks about that: Now, I will not be doing this with my middle son because he is dyslexic and can only focus on one thing at a time. If you choose NOT to put your child in VideoText Algebra this year, I HIGHLY recommend that you play Math Card Games to keep his math facts strong (particularly his fractions and multiplication skills).

I hope that helps! If not, feel free to email RightStart Math at

Have a great day!

Re: Level G question on time for each assignment

Oh, my goodness, now I remember! I think I knew this before and just forgot. Oh, that is bad! Okay, I will take a look at that and see how to interweave the two. Thanks so much!

Re: Level G question on time for each assignment

Not a problem! The link that I gave you will take you to a page that will tell you one way to weave the two programs together.

Let me know if you have any further questions!
Enjoy your day!