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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Switching to RS

When I first started homeschooling four years ago, I really liked the looks of RSM, but I somehow got talked out of it each year. I did buy the card games a couple years ago to supplement, and my kids enjoy them when I remember to play them. We finally decided to make the plunge and go for the RS math this year. I did the placement test and it put them in level C for both my second and third graders. My question is what do I need to buy since I already have the math games kit and do I need to go back a level or anything so they learn the way Right Start math teaches things? We have been doing Singapore Math for the last two years, and it has gone well enough. I just feel like they might do better with more hands-on and with more of a mastery approach like RSM.

Thank you so much for your help.

Re: Switching to RS

Hi, Anna.

I responded to your email directly. Please let me know if you did not receive the response.

Have a great day!