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Level D Quick Practice 5

What is a reasonable time for a child to complete this drill?

(My DD is 8 in 3rd grade)

Re: Level D Quick Practice 5

Hi, Lola.

Dr. Cotter has said that a student knows a fact if he/she answers it within 3 seconds. So, for this practice sheet which has 50 equations, the student should be able to do it within 2 1/2 minutes. Now, my kids took several tries to get to that speed. (Be sure you copy these practice sheets as you will do them several times throughout the year.)

If your child doesn't complete the sheet within 2 1/2 minutes - don't make a big deal out of it. You don't want to put too much stress on 'performance' during testing. Instead, play some multiplication Math Card Games. My kids loved playing Multiplication War and Multiplication Memory (P10 in the Math Card Games Manual).

I hope that helps!
Have a wonderful day!