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Re: choosing correct level: C or D?

Hi, Sarah.

If I were you, I would still finish the last few lessons in Level C prior to starting Level D. There is a lot of fraction work and an introduction to division that you will be skipping over if you just move on to Level D. I know that we all like 'clean' starts (me, too!!!). However, you don't want to miss something that he truly needs so we can have an easy place to start.

I have been known, though, to move 'quickly' through some lessons to finish a Level. In looking at Level C, you may want to 'skip' or combine your Review and Practice lessons. Also, lessons like 146 through 149 can be combined as they are easy and similar. Of course, if your child struggles with any of the concepts, you will want to slow it down and split up the lessons.

Just for your information, it was because of the last several lessons in Level C that my kids discovered that they 'loved' fractions! To this day, when we bring up fractions, they say, 'YEAH! I love fractions!' Who knew.... :-)

Have a wonderful day!