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New to Right Start


I am really considering Right Start for 2 of my children this year-7 year old 2nd grade and 9(almost 10) yr old 4th grade. A friend told me she heard it was hard to teach 2 levels at once due to time it takes to teach each lesson? I am interested in your thoughts- This looks like such a great change for us-my kids need something new this year! Also the placement test online puts them at C an E-how can I do this with purchasing? Do I purchase the starter for C and add the "level E add on kit"? Will I be missing components of D? I would appreciate any comments and advice

Re: New to Right Start

Hi, Christina.

I have taught my kids RightStart from the beginning and 3 kids at a time each in different levels. So, I can tell you with experience, it can be a little complicated - but it can be done. The program has given all of my kids such a solid foundation that I can't imagine sacrificing that for my time. (Just so you know, my oldest started high school algebra when he was in 6th grade! He has such a solid foundation!)

So, how does it work? Well, you are fortunate in that your kids are a little older because they are used to doing some independent work. Some of my kids independent work is: grammar worksheets, spelling worksheets, independent reading, spanish, instrument practice, etc. When one of my kids is doing one or more of their independent work, I grab another child to do their math. That way, no one is waiting on me.

Also, another great thing about your kids are fairly close in age, is to have them play their Math Card games together. This will actually free you up! ALL of my kids loved the games. Everytime I got the cards out for somebody's math, my kids would appear out of the woodwork to play! :-) So, I would let them while I go do one of my 'chores' or do child's math.

As far as ordering goes, you DON'T need to purchase two starter kits. All you would need is the following:

Level E Starter Kit
Level C Teacher's Manual
Level C Worksheets
AL Abacus (each child should have his/her own abacus)
Geared Clock
Base Ten Picture Cards
Abacus Tiles

Let me just end with saying that I have 4 kids - all with VERY different learning styles. I have one who is like a sponge, I have one who is a lazy learner and I have one who has various learning disabilities including dyslexia. This program has worked with ALL of them. They all do very well in math! They 'get it' - and not by sitting down and doing a lot of worksheets or flashcards. So, I hope that I have excited you and encouraged you in your consideration of RightStart Math.

If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to post back here or you can email RightStart Math directly at

Have a great day!