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Re: Needs more practice?


Dr. Cotter has told me before that if a student can answer each math fact within 2 seconds, that he/she is fast enough. However, if it is taking longer, you should consider extra practice.

For one of my sons who struggled, we focused on a different math fact each day of the week. We really didn't work on the easier ones, like '1', '2' and '5'. So, for example, on Monday, we played the Math Card Game 'Multiplication Memory' (in the Math Card Games Manual it is P10)for the math fact of '3's. On Tuesday, we played it for the '4's, etc. After just a couple of weeks, we saw an improvement with his speed. He will always be slow as he has dyslexia with a memory deficiency. Even so, practice through the games was much less 'painful' than practicing with Flash Cards and Worksheets. :-)

By the way, I have 4 kids so I truly understand the time issue you have. So, I allow my older kids to play the Math Card Games with the younger kids. This allows the older kids to review their facts and I don't have to be involved!!!! :-)

I hope that helps!
Have fun playing a Math Card Game!