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Level G question

My son will begin Level G next year. Should we try to get through the whole level in one year? Or should we take more time with it? Also, do you have recommendations for what to use after we finish Level G?

Re: Level G question

Hi, Stephanie.

Level G takes about two years to complete. My son was able to finish it in a little more than 1 1/2 years, but that was really pushing through.

RightStart Math suggests that we start VideoText Algebra when the student gets to about Lesson 80 in Level G. I must say, however, that my son really wanted to just focus on geometry and finish it up prior to starting algebra. If you choose to do this, I HIGHLY recommend that you keep up your son's math facts by continuing to play the Math Card Games and/or the multivides.

Let me know if you have any further questions!