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Re: Geometric Approach, Worksheet 9-1

Hi, Lori.

You are correct. You are basically looking for 2 numbers that multiply together to equal the number of pieces you are splitting the triangle into. If you are trying to split a triangle into 18 pieces, you can split the triangle into 9 pieces and then split each of the 9 pieces in half. (9 x 2 is 18). Another option, you can also split the triangle into 6 pieces and then each of the 6 pieces into 3 more pieces. (6 x 3 is 18). You can see a sample of the triangle divided into 6's on worksheet 5.

I hope that has helped, but if you have further questions, you can feel free to call RightStart's help desk at (888)272-3291 or email them at

Have a wonderful day!