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I am pretty sure this will be the math curriculum I will purchase for my soon to be 1st grader.
My youngest son is 4, so I will be looking to buy a math program for him as well soon. So, if I buy Level B for my oldest, and then later buy Level I going to need to buy more manipulatives or will he be able to use the ones that will come with the Standard Level B kit?
What is the most cost efficient way to go about this?

Re: Advice

Hi, Kristan! My name is Rachel and I am happy to help you today.

You will not need to purchase all the manipulatives again. If you purchase the Starter Kit for Level B, you will only need to purchase Level A Teachers Manual, Level A Worksheets and an additional ALabacus for your second son. RightStart Math recommends that each child have his/her own ALabacus.

I hope that has answered your question. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to ask!

Have a great day!