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need transition?

I'm bringing my daughter for homeschooling and she will be starting second grade next year. I've been using RS level B with my son and he is currently on lesson 75. We've been doing this about 3 days a week instead of everyday because he also has preschool the other 3 days, that is why we still have some lessons to go. We are planning to finish level B during the summer and start level C in the fall. Do you think I need to get the transition lessons for my daughter or just include her in the remaining lessons. We have included her in a handful of lessons and played a couple games with us. She is pretty good with math, but have not done much mental math or double digit addition.

Re: need transition?

Hi Gita,

Before you decide anything may I suggest having your daughter take the starting level questionnaire on the website.

You may find that your daughter needs to be in Level B...especially since she hasn't done double digit addition or mental addition.

Level B meets the national standards for 1st grade but it also exceeds the standards.

Once you see what Level your daughter places in....then you can decide which direction to go.

If she does test into Level C, she would need to do the transition lessons. There are about 20.
