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teaching multipe children with one kit

3 o my 4 children are all starting on level A. Can I buy one kit for them to share or must I get a kit for each of them? Are there somethings they each need their own of but other things they can share?
Sarah Cox

Re: teaching multipe children with one kit

Hi Sarah,

Yes you could teach all three children with one kit. Each child would need their own worksheets though.

I taught two boys at the same time and we started in Level B. I found it beneficial to have an abacus for each boy. It made the lessons go quicker and I liked that each boy could manipulate and "play" with it as they needed and not having to wait to share.

Two geoboards come with the kit but that's one other item you may want to get another one of...that way each child will have their own to play with when learning the lessons.

As you get into the lessons you can determine if it would be good to have duplicates [or triplicates] of other items.
