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Should I or shouldn't I?


I have tried several math programs with my 9 year old daughter, and they all seem to go too slow, or are boring beyond belief. She understands concepts easily but still adds, etc. on her fingers. She knows her facts, she just doesn't *believe* she knows her facts! I think it's because she can't "see" them unless she uses her fingers (and yet, she can answer them easily when she comes across them in life, it's just on paper she struggles). Traditional programs seem to frustrate her and hold her back, but she needs practice too. So here I am.

ANYway, I think she would love the abacus. I am familiar with Montessori math and this kind of abacus and I'm wondering if Level E would be a good fit, or is it too late to switch over to RS?

I was also wondering if maybe we should do the Transition Lessons, and see where she stops to figure out her level. When I did the placement test, she placed in E, but she has had so little division (even though she gets the idea of it, and the concept of remainders) I worry. But then I worry that D is just too redundant,,, I'd rather play games and do the Transition Lessons over the summer than repeat a year just because she has missed 2 lessons from D.

Thanks for any insight :) Sorry to foist my confusion on you!


Re: Should I or shouldn't I?

Hi Penny,

If you had your daughter take the placement test and she tested for Level E then that should be a good place for her.

The transition lessons will highlight the main parts of RS for your daughter. You will not even have to do all the transition lessons. It will show you at the beginning of the book what lessons in the transition book you need to cover.

And as for the's covered in Level E.