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Level E and looking ahead -scared of geometry

We are about halfway through level E and have used RS from the beginning. My daughter has always struggled with and been a bit overwhelmed by the geometry. I loved geometry as s kid, but I did it in 9th grade not 2nd. I know that if I tell her that next year's math is ALL geometry, she's going to be scared before she even looks at it. I wonder if I should supplement with another program (maybe Horizons?) so she can practice more of what she has learned already and do geometry some days but not every day. I also wondered, looking way ahead, if we do geometry next year then Algebra the year after that, she would be somewhere near Calculus in 10th grade? That seems crazy. Any suggestions? I don't want math to overwhelm her to the point that she just goes running. SHe is almost 10 (if that makes any difference?). THanks in advance!

Re: Level E and looking ahead -scared of geometry

Hi Laura,

I want to clarify that the Geometric Approach is not the same kind of geometry course taken in high school. It is hands on approach for teaching middle school mathematics topics which often creates deeper learning for the student. It's a program for 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students

Your daughter is young enough that you may want to slow down in level E and play more games. Maybe alternate doing a lesson one day and playing a game the next.

My son started the Geometric Approach after Christmas and is 13 [7th grade]

My youngest son is in level E and I slowed it down the rest of the year so he will start the Geometric Approach next year. He is 11 [5th grade]

So you'll know...if a child starts RS Level B in first grade and does one level per year they will finish Level E in fourth grade. If they do the Geometric Approach combined with VideoText Module A that is recommended they will finish it in 6th grade.

If they continue with VideoText Algebra they will complete Algebra 1 and 2 by 8th grade. If they go with VideoText Geometry [which happens to be a honors course] they will complete it in 10th grade and can get a credit not only for geometry but for pre-calculus also.

But remember this is the ideal. Only two of my six children will have started Algebra before the 9th grade. It really depends on their readiness.

If you don't think your child is ready to go into the Geometric Approach then consider taking some time to just play the games. Or as you suggested, playing games and doing some of the geometric lessons.

I didn't plan to talk so much about playing the games but even after doing RS for at least 6 years I am still realizing how important and valuable they are to play. I too have contemplated supplementing with another program in between but honestly the games do an excellent job of helping the child apply the concepts they've been learning in a concrete way. And playing the games really gives us [parents/teachers] a better idea of how well they've understood what they've been learning. Plus playing the games keeps the child doing math the RS way and reinforces all they've been learning.


Re: Level E and looking ahead -scared of geometry

I would slow down and play more games as well. Also, to get her warmed up in geometry, consider buying her a knex education set. I just bought one for my son, who is also whizing through math. I bought the Knex Elementary Math and Geometry set for about $30 on amazon and it is fantastic. So hands-on and easy to understand and fun. My son loves it and thinks geometry is great now. There is also a knew Intermediate Math and Geometry set as well. When I bought it on amazon, it said it didn't come with the curriculum, but it does. The teacher manual is just on a cd-rom in the set and I at kinko's print it out online and bind it for me. I hated geometry in high school, they put me in a honor's class but it was so confusing and I just wasn't getting it and they wouldn't let me go to a regular geometry class. It was sad and I didn't want geometry to overwhelm my kids so I'm so happy I got this set and now my son is looking forward to rightstart's geometry that'll be coming up.