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Tally Stick Cards, Finger Cards, Bead Cards, and Dot cards for level A

I just started using level A for my son and I am unable to find the tally stick cards, finger cards, bead cards and dot cards. I searched for them on the website and didn't find anything. I have the manipulative kit and they are not in it. Am I suppose to make these?

Re: Tally Stick Cards, Finger Cards, Bead Cards, and Dot cards for level A

They're at the beginning of the appendix in the back of the teacher's manual. I made copies of the pages on my printer so I didn't have to tear them out and then glued them to cardstock and cut them out. It was a little tedious, but my printer doesn't print well on cardstock and I knew we were going to use them quite a bit so I wanted them to hold up. If you have a way to laminate them that might be a little easier.

Hope this helps!

Re: Tally Stick Cards, Finger Cards, Bead Cards, and Dot cards for level A

Just in case ya'll didn't know RS sells the appendices for Levels A and B on card-stock, for only $10.
