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Level C in One Academic Year?

Our family is on our second of RSM and like it very much. I noticed that Level B had around 100 lessons and Level C has 150. We're only on about Lesson 50 and I am worried that my Second Grader won't make it through the whole curriculum this academic year even though we do a lesson a day. (Some lessons take more than one day and I have used some days for review/games.) Will my son be on grade level should we need to return to school if don't finish?

Thanks for any feedback.

Re: Level C in One Academic Year?


Thank you for your message. We are happy to hear that your family enjoys RSM.

Level C is a longer level and many times takes over a year. Your child will still be ahead of the field when it comes to academic knowledge.

Continue working through Level C until it is complete and then go onto Level D. This is normal for it to take over one year.

Everything will come together and your child will still be on target to finish RSM at the right time.

Make it a great day,

Activities for Learning-RightStart™ Mathematics

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics.