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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Starting Level B in the middle of the year

I am interested in starting my daughter in level B starting in the new year. Do you have any recommendations as to whether this is a good idea mid year?

Also, I have heard a lot about the math games. Is this included in the starter kits?

Thanks for your time!

Re: Starting Level B in the middle of the year

As a homeschooler, I would not hesitate to begin Level B in the middle of the year. That's the nice thing about doing it at home, right? You can go at your child's pace.

The starter kit includes all the cards you need for math games in your level. The "math card games book", is separate, but no worries (You won't need that book until level C, I think). In Level B, when a game is suggested, it includes instructions for how to play it.

I hope this helps!